Artwork by Carolyn Patten
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Artist’s Summary
Working from images I have photographed, and from those that appear in my dreams, I layer transparent and opaque paints and specially mixed glazes to create harmony and depth. I edit out all but the most potent details, giving the final painting room to breathe and connect with the viewer. The resulting paintings are simple, powerful and quietly beautiful. As I move deeper into my work, the images are becoming more abstract, working with concepts of time and universal archetypes.
I view my life as a series of deeply gratifying, sometimes daunting, journeys into the unknown, from travels across the globe to interior travels in search of an authentic life. Time spent in Mexico and the American Southwest, working as a writer and always pushing the boundaries of what my family, peers and critics told me I could/could not do, has opened my eyes and my heart to a few of life’s treasures.
These journeys are at the heart of my art, which is always evolving and exploring. As Helen Keller said — “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”