Artwork by Christine Lassiter
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Artist’s Statement
A gallery told me recently that my art did not have a focus. I started to worry about that and then thought I might need to change… and then I realized that I love painting what I feel in the moment and don’t want to feel like I have to paint all of one thing, or in one type of medium. I want my art to be as diverse as my personality.
I am a self-taught artist that loves to experiment with a variety of mediums and to challenge myself by jumping into new projects without fear or hesitation. Last year I completed my first mural in Portland and it was a labor of love for almost a year. It contains a special tribute to my dad, who died suddenly of cancer, just a couple of months after I started it. He was my biggest cheerleader and the reason I am able to explore life to fullest to this day.
My art is my escape, my creative expression and my way to bring a little color and flair to the world. I have played around with watercolor and acrylics, but my true love is oils. I constantly challenge myself to improve my style and not be afraid of making mistakes. Some of my most interesting work has come out of mistakes I have made.