Contributed by Patricia Young
AiA Promotional Booth at June Festival

The World Beat Festival is celebrating its 27th year in June 2024. Our AiA booth is traditionally located in the European Circle. We will have a double wide 10 x 20′ booth set up in gallery fashion with grids to hang artwork and tables that can be used for 3-D art, plus card racks for artists note cards and space for print racks and other creative displays for your unique artwork.
AiA Artists who sign up to sit/tend the booth are invited to display 3-4 pieces of art for sale in the booth. Any medium, style or subject (appropriate for WBF audience). 3-D artists need to provide a display for your work that is freestanding or suitable for display on tabletop. Sales of art are subject to 25% commission (15% to the WBF, and 10% to AiA).
This year we would like to form a committee of two or three people to help with planning any special activities such as the 8×8 painting fundraiser and help with scheduling booth sitters and other duties involved for set up and tearing down. Interested? Complete the form below! There will also be a sign up sheet at the April meeting. More details, including shift options, will be sent to interested individuals at a later date.
For individuals interested in being a World Beat booth sitter, go here: World Beat Booth Sitter
Visit World Beat Festival Website