“Something Red” Call to Artists & December Exhibition

Something Red is AiA’s crown jewel annual event! We are starting our Something Red 22nd Anniversary in 2024. We call on Oregon visual artists, working in any style or medium, to create compelling art that features true RED as a focal point or primary color in the composition. The resulting exhibition is a perennial favorite of our local art community and is held during December at Elsinore Framing & Fine Art Gallery in downtown Salem. To receive email messages about Something Red and other AiA news, join our mailing list.

Something Red 2024 is starting – Exhibition at Elsinore Gallery

We are looking forward to the submissions for this years event. The show will once again be hosted by Elsinore Framing & Fine Art Gallery, 444 Ferry St SE. Check them out for your framing needs; artist discounts available.

Visit Elsinore Gallery Website

See the 2024 Something Red Call to Artists

Something Red Gallery, Event Video and Award Winners

The call to artists is getting underway. Thanks for getting your entries into last year’s Something Red. The judging for this year’s event will been announced once complete and you can see the results in the 2023 Something Red Gallery, including a new video of the award winners for 2023. Judging to be performed sometime in November but it will take a while for the images to be shown on the website to keep the artist names invisible to the judge.

Last Year’s Entries and Awards – 2023

Tap the link below to enjoy the complete gallery of this year’s exhibited art (2023), meet the judge, watch the event video including award selections and see who the award-winners are for this year. We will announce this year’s judge as soon as the judge has been selected.

Something Red 2023 Gallery, Video, Award Winners & More

About the ArtCall Platform (Registration Site)

AiA manages its Calls to Artists using the ArtCall platform. ArtCall.org is a distinctly separate site from the AiA website and requires registering for an ArtCall account to participate. You only need to register once; then simply log in for all future AiA calls. Please note, each “official” Call has its own unique web address (URL) which is your starting point to view the call details and participate. Using ArtCall provides an easy way for artists to pay the entry fee and submit images and descriptions of their art and provides AiA agents with an effective way to manage all aspects of the call including fee payments and jury process.

See the 2024 Something Red Call to Artists