Join Artists in Action

AiA Members enjoy opportunities to publicly show their art by participating in juried and non-juried exhibitions, our signature events and local cultural activities. We mingle and share our adventures in art at our monthly meetings and expand our creative horizons by learning new techniques. 

When changing to new membership type, make sure to cancel your previous membership subscription before paying for a new membership. Here are some steps to help you cancel the previous membership subscription:

  1. Log in to your membership account.
  2. From your Membership Account, click the link to “Cancel”.
  3. The following screen will ask you to confirm the cancellation.
  4. After you confirm, your previous subscription payment will be cancelled and your account will be set to expire at the end of your pre-paid term. If you did not have an active subscription, membership and access will be cancelled immediately.
  5. If you are entitled to a refund, or if you have other questions, please let us know by contacting with your email address or phone number and we will contact you regarding question or refund process.

AiA Membership Levels

For your convenience we offer several membership levels/payment plans and the option to select automatic renewals. The Plus + levels give you a personal web page on the AiA website to showcase up to ten works of art, your artist statement/philosophy and links to your web and social media sites (adds $1.50/month). The Co-op memberships allow you to be part of the AiA Art Gallery cooperative, and allow you to physically display and sell your artwork in the AiA Art Gallery in partnership with Elsinore Framing and Fine Art Gallery in downtown Salem, Oregon. Membership dues directly benefit the organization so we may grow and expand artistic opportunities for our members. Ready to join AiA? Select your preferred membership level from the options below. If you need to cancel your membership, please log in then click on your name to see membership levels and a way to cancel your membership.

AiA Standard Memberships

Please scroll down further on the page if you are looking for the Co-op membership levels.



Standard Plus +


$40.00 per Year.

$58.00 per Year.

  Select Select
AiA Membership Yes Yes
AiA Website Artist Page+ No Yes
Co-op Membership No No
  Select Select


  • AiA Membership

$40.00 per Year.

Standard Plus +

  • AiA Membership
  • AiA Website Artist Page+

$58.00 per Year.

+  AiA Website Artist Page (Plus option) provides a dedicated AiA Member Artist Page page to artists on the AiA Website (not to be confused with the AiA Co-op Website).This allows the artist to have a dedicated page on the internet to display their art and reference other people to that page on our website giving them an internet presence.

AiA Art Gallery Cooperative Memberships

Note: You must have filled out an application and be accepted by the AiA Co-op application process before choosing these options.



Co-op 6 Month

Co-op Plus +

Co-op 6-Month +


$38.50 per Month.

$231.00 every 6 Months.

$40.00 per Month.

$240.00 every 6 Months.

  Select Select Select Select
AiA Membership Yes Yes Yes Yes
AiA Website Artist Page+ No No Yes Yes
Co-op Membership Yes Yes Yes Yes
Artist % of Sale 60% 60% 60% 60%
Works Gallery Yes Yes Yes Yes
  Select Select Select Select


  • AiA Membership
  • Co-op Membership
  • Artist % of Sale: 60%
  • Works Gallery: Yes

$38.50 per Month.

Co-op 6 Month

  • AiA Membership
  • Co-op Membership
  • Artist % of Sale: 60%
  • Works Gallery: Yes

$231.00 every 6 Months.

Co-op Plus +

  • AiA Membership
  • AiA Website Artist Page+
  • Co-op Membership
  • Artist % of Sale: 60%
  • Works Gallery: Yes

$40.00 per Month.

Co-op 6-Month +

  • AiA Membership
  • AiA Website Artist Page+
  • Co-op Membership
  • Artist % of Sale: 60%
  • Works Gallery: Yes

$240.00 every 6 Months.

AiA Art Gallery Cooperative Premium Memberships

Note: You must have filled out an application and be accepted by the AiA Co-op application process before choosing these options.

*  Premium Levels excuse the member from working shifts at the AiA Art Gallery


Co-op Premium

Co-op Premium Plus +


$58.50 per Month.

$60.00 per Month.

  Select Select
AiA Membership Yes Yes
AiA Website Artist Page+ No Yes
Co-op Membership Yes Yes
Artist % of Sale 50% 50%
Works Gallery No No
  Select Select

Co-op Premium

  • AiA Membership
  • Co-op Membership
  • Artist % of Sale: 50%
  • Works Gallery: No

$58.50 per Month.

Co-op Premium Plus +

  • AiA Membership
  • AiA Website Artist Page+
  • Co-op Membership
  • Artist % of Sale: 50%
  • Works Gallery: No

$60.00 per Month.

When choosing any of the Co-op memberships when you already have a paid membership in AiA, you will be reimbursed for any unused portion of your AiA Membership to ensure that you are not paying double for your membership.

+  AiA Website Artist Page (Plus option) provides a dedicated AiA Member Artist Page page to artists on the AiA Website (not to be confused with the AiA Co-op Website). This allows the artist to have a dedicated page on the internet to display their art and reference other people to that page on our website giving them an internet presence.