Submit an request for a class or workshop

If you would like to teach a class, please read these pages in this order:
1. Read the Overview section of Class Setup
2. Setup – Step 1 – Slot Signup
3. Setup – Step 2 – Class Request (This page)

This request is for holding a class in the Founders Gallery of the Elsinore Framing and Fine Arts Gallery at 444 Ferry Street SE in downtown Salem, Oregon, or via Zoom or to hold a class in another location. All requests are subject to approval. If you are an AiA Member, please log in before completing this form. If you are not an AiA member, there is no need to log into this site, just fill out the form.

AiA Class/Workshop Request

This form contains formation used to request a class or workshop. The information must be submitted and approved before the class can be set up on the website and for students to enroll in the class. Once the class is approved, a website will be created for the class and enrollment can begin.

"*" indicates required fields

Full name of the artist submitting the class/workshop request.
Enter your email address to receive confirmation of the class/workshop request.
Enter the title of your class or workshop. This will be used in promotions and in setting up a web page for student enrollment.
Enter the type of medium that the class deals with. This should be something like, Watercolor, Acrylic, Oil, Pastel, Digital, etc.
Please select the location that the class will be taught
Class Start Date*
Please specify the starting date of your class.
Please specify how many class days are needed for this class. There will be a separate $60 fee for each day of the class.
Start Time*
Please specify the starting time for the class/workshop. 10:00 AM is the earliest time normally allowed. The classes start and end will coincide with the business hours of Elsinore Framing and Fine Art Gallery. The business hours are Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm and Sat: 10am-5pm. (contact the representative for other time considerations). Actual class hours will be Mon-Fri 10am-5pm and Sat:11am – 4pm. This will be an hour before the class for Instructor set-up time and after the class for clean-up time.
End Time*
Please specify the ending time for the class/workshop. 5:00 PM is the latest time normally allowed.
In a sentence, or no more than 2 sentences, give a short description of the class for potential students. This short description will be shown on the top of the shop page for your class. The longer Class/Workshop Description will be shown in the body of the details of the class.
Enter a description that the student will see. It should describe what will be accomplished by taking the class – what will be learned and what is required of the student (what materials are supplied or what the student must bring to the class).
0 of 350 max characters
Enter the total amount to collect from the student for the class. Note that there is a $60 fee for the rental of the space and will be deducted from the total amount, then an 80/20% fee split. The instructor gets 80%.
Specify the minimum number of students that must be enrolled in order to hold the class.
Please enter a number from 0 to 12.
Specify the minimum number of students that must be enrolled in order to hold the class.
Please enter a number from 1 to 12.
Please upload an image to represent the class on the shop page for our website. Please include Instuctor_ClassTitle in your filename if possible. Example: Richards_UsingPhotoshopForArtists.jpg. Please use a square format for the Shop Page image.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, Max. file size: 5 MB.
You may upload other images to represent the class for social media and/or adding to the shop page. Please include Instuctor_ClassTitle_{other identification} in your filename if possible. Example: Richards_UsingPhotoshopForArtists_Example1.jpg.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, orpng, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 10.
    Terms and Conditions

    CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY- Classes in The Founders Gallery (AIA Gallery) Class sizes will range between 5 to 20 students as space is available. A suggested minimum class of 5 students is recommended. Each student must provide pre-paid enrollment and registration at least 2 weeks prior to each session. A refund, less a processing fee equal to 20% of the class cost, will be given if a student withdraws from a class more than one week before the first class. NO REFUND will be given if the participant withdraws one week or less before the class begins. If AIA Gallery cancels a class, the Gallery will mail a full refund to the participant.
    Class/Workshop Terms and Conditions*
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.